By Michael Block
The Laurie Beechman Theater is the hub for the RuPaul’s Drag Race queens to showcase their talents off the screen. Unlike a club, the stage is theirs to do what with they please. Season 3 icon Stacy Layne Matthews shares the love in her show
From Stacy with Love.
photo by Michael Block |
A quick night of song, From Stacy with Love is a showcase for Stacy Layne Matthews and her soulful voice. Decked out in a beautiful blood red gown covered with stones, Stacy Layne Matthews found a safe space on stage to share some of her favorite love songs that played a part in her life. The set list was quite ballad heavy. But the truth is, when you think of love songs, they tend to be slow. Despite what was presented, she found moments to tell the story of why the upcoming song had an impact on her life. For example Robyn’s “Dancing on My Own” included an anecdote about falling in love with a best friend. Or how, following special guest Natalie Weiss, she discussed how “Quiet” was a song she played on repeat during a hard time. These stories, paired with song, was when
From Stacy with Love was at its finest. Stacy Layne Matthews has R&B soul with a lot of heart in her song. She has more to give but held back a bit. When she did open up and riffed off of the audience, she felt at home with her hennies. Hopefully the next iteration will include more comfort.
With more polish and confidence,
From Stacy with Love can be a special night of love and song. If there’s one thing to take away from this show it’s that if you ever felt like you’re the only person who’s experienced a broken heart, you’re not alone.