It’s the season of love and what better play to celebrate the season than A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Produced by Frog & Peach Theatre Company at the Sheen Center, this romantic comedy about missed connections was colorful but needed a bit more direction so the connection wasn’t missed. .

Regardless, it seemed the strongest focus was on the Rude Mechanicals. Bottom, the “ass” of the troupe, seemed like the starring character of this production. A Midsummer Night’s Dream tends to allow the lovers or Puck to be the story’s focus, but they seemed like the minor players here. Played by Kevin Hauver, Bottom was on top of the fun. His ability to take the character and highlight further speaks volumes to his performance. When it came to the lovers, Eden Jacob Levy as Lysander, Kyle Primack, Alyssa Diamond as Hermia, and Bess Miller as Helena played into the missed connections as their chemistry didn’t quite seem to ever match. Somehow, they each seemed to be presenting a different version of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Possibly the most understated character in this presentation was Puck. That being said, Marcus Watson made the best of his time on stage, physically embodying the fairy to the fullest.
A Midsummer Night’s Dream is a classic. The story is almost universally revered, but there still needs to be some sort of draw to keep the audience engaged and have a reason to present the story. Benson’s version of the Shakespeare play would be something that would be great to tour to schools as it is accessible to a younger audience. But this version needed something a little more.