
Friday, July 29, 2016

Trolling Time with...Molly Kelleher

Name: Molly Kelleher

Hometown: Guilderland, NY

Education: Emerson College

Who do you play in The Illusory Adventures of a Dreamer: Aase/Homeless Woman

Describe your character(s) in three words: Dramatic, Overbearing, Fearful

Tell us about The Illusory Adventures of a Dreamer: Grotesque dramatics (in a good way) of waking life seen from a dreamer's perspective.

Describe The Illusory Adventures of a Dreamer in three words: Sexy Hero's Journey

Who is the biggest liar?: Taylor

Who is the biggest troll?: Austin

Who is the sexiest?: Corinne

Who is the most mischievous?: Eddie

Most likely to go on an adventure?: Me

Most likely to get caught up in a cult?: Geo

Which bandana best describes you?: I only wear scarfs.

Favorite (gay) bar in NYC: Marie's Crisis because I'm secretly a 60yr old queen with love for a time step.

Fun, laughs, or good time?: Good times

Do you talk to yourself in a mirror?: Only when I'm auditioning for Sybil

What is your favorite moment in The Illusory Adventures of a Dreamer: Homeless woman rant, Aase Rant....I get to rant a lot and man it's nice to have that clowning freedom to just "go" there!

What is the most rewarding thing about being a part of the Dreamer team?: Amazing group of insightful, talent, and hilarious creative being to play with and they ain't bad to look at either.

Why should we come see The Illusory Adventures of a Dreamer?: Fun, Laughs, Good Times, with a little sexy on the side.

For more on Molly, visit

The Illusory Adventures of a Dreamer is part of the 20th Annual New York International Fringe Festival! Performances dates are Saturday, August 13th at 9:30pm, Tuesday, August 16th at 5:00pm, Monday, August 22nd at 4:45pm, Wednesday, August 24th at 7:00pm, and Saturday, August 27th at 1:30pm. All performances will be at Venue #1: Teatro SEA (107 Suffolk Street). For tickets, visit

For more on The Illusory Adventures of a Dreamer, visit To support and donate to the project, please visit