
Wednesday, October 22, 2014

The Princess Diaries with...Madeline Fansler

Name: Madeline Fansler

Education: Graduated from Vanderbilt University with a B.A. in Theatre and Music

Hometown: Telluride, CO

Tell us about Royal Fables: Royal Fables sheds light on the darker side of the princesses we all know and love--the part that the fairytales left out. One by one, each princess tells her story through song and dance, revealing her innermost thoughts, fears and desires.

Describe Royal Fables in three words: The untold story.

Who do you play in Royal Fables?: I play the 12th Dancing Princess.

Describe your character in three words: Adventurous, Passionate, Rebellious

True love is ______?: Eternal

The best thing about playing a princess is_____?: Definitely the chirping bluebirds that awake me from my royal slumber each morning. I'm really hoping they'll stick around after the show is over.

Who is your celebrity Prince Charming?: I think many women will agree with me when I say Ryan Gosling. What a stud.

If you could be any fairy tale princess who would you be?: I've always loved the Little Mermaid. I think I've watched that Disney movie upwards of a thousand times. It's largely responsible for my parents picking up on my love for performing because even as a tiny toddler I couldn't take my eyes off the screen as I would sing along in full costume ie blue bath towel "tail" and my mom's bikini top. And yes, in case you were wondering, I do have the special edition DVD. I got it for Christmas last year and I watched it three times that following week. Including special features.

Which company member is most likely to be an actual princess?: Definitely James. Technically he's playing a prince but those fierce dance skills are clearly a result of him attending years of royal balls.

What would be the most played song on your princess’ iPod?: "I Wanna Dance with Somebody" by Whitney Houston

What is your favorite moment of Royal Fables?: I love the moment right before my song when the clock strikes midnight. I don't want to give anything away, so you'll have to come see for yourself!

For more on Madeline, visit